[Libre-soc-dev] Introduction: Hello Everyone

Thomas Stephens tmsteph1290 at gmail.com
Sat May 18 23:52:36 BST 2024


I'm glad I asked.

Are you telling me on the page mentioned here:

I should be able to run those commands to get up and running on most
any modern debian host system?

To me, it almost seems to suggest that we want to use a Debian 10
host, which would be insecure from day-to-day.

>From what I can tell, this assumption is incorrect, and the part about
debian 10 in the docs has to do with Chroot and how the tooling works,
and has nothing to do with the host operating system.

I'm glad to clear this up and I'll look into contributing to
documentation as I go along.

Charter looks great and I hope to be of value soon!

Thanks for all of the support.


On Sat, May 18, 2024 at 3:23 PM Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
<lkcl at lkcl.net> wrote:
> chroots are implicitly totally separate. as an experenced
> sysadmin and developer since 1994 these are things i just
> don't spell out as they are "obvious"... to me, if you know
> that one? :)
> > This wasn't clear to me originally, and It will be increasingly
> > difficult to find Debian 10 support,
> don't need it, don't want it. security updates are off the list
> as well because they interfere with stability, which is the
> *only* priority.
> >  so I would be interested in
> > updating our documentation to help newcomers.
> sure, delighted for you to do that - remember to read the
> Charter, let us know if you're happy with it also bear in
> mind the License (LGPLv3 and GFDL)

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