[Libre-soc-dev] Fwd: 4390006088 Care Quality Commission MHA-03402-V5V8D1 Desired outcomes CRM:003564175179

lkcl luke.leighton at gmail.com
Sun Nov 17 05:49:52 GMT 2024

jacob, you need to start paying attention to this, read it and
understand the consequences of your actions: to disregard my
explicit written instructions as list and project administrator
not to forward anything from CALDERWOOD to the list.
he was blocked for abuse to protect myself and others
from further abuse. you violated that by failing to
consult me as administrator of the libre-soc.org domain
and its resources.

i do expect you to write an explicit public apology to me
for disrespecting my authority, and, more crucially, placing
my life in danger as well as exposing me to torture and

below is part of a series of communications with the Care Quality
Commission after two letters from the deeply-irresponsible
management of Antelope House indicated they are unfit to
investigate the level of failure and neglect.

this includes not just failing to request let alone review the
extensive evidence gathered, but includes a written statement
by them that a "tag" placed on day THIRTEEN by one of the
doctors on my non-existent NHS record was THERE ALL ALONG
and consequently i MUST have had "good and proper care as an
autistic adult"

reality is that their negligence resulted in torture, brain
damage, organ damage, bruising, lacerations, starvation,
and much more.

all - jacob - a consequence of you listening to CALDERWOOD,
not to me.

i do expect you - jacob - to look at some of the videos that
i published, so you get to see the reality of your decision
to disregard my instructions.

then i expect you, once you begin to realise the full extent
of the torture your decision resulted, to get me copies of
the communication you have had with CALDERWOOD.

jacob used the words "one of us". anyone else also asked by
CALDERWOOD to forward the 4th march message to the list
please get in touch and forward me all communications.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: lkcl <luke.leighton at gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Subject: Re: 4390006088 Care Quality Commission MHA-03402-V5V8D1 Desired
outcomes CRM:003564175179
To: MHA Complaints <mhacomplaints at cqc.org.uk>
Cc: Charlotte redacted

(Charlotte this is something you could definitely help me with)

for context, everyone, please read this PUBLIC (online, internet,
unrestricted access) message first

On Wednesday, November 13, 2024, MHA Complaints <mhacomplaints at cqc.org.uk>
> Dear Mr Leighton,
> We are writing to you from the Mental Health Act complaints team at the
Care Quality Commission (CQC).


> Firstly, I would like to state that CQC appreciates that this process is
stressful and distressing for you, we will do all we can to work at a pace
which suits you.

appreciated, however you need to be aware I am so traumatised by the
negligence and have ZERO proper care and support which leaves me at serious
I am running out of money with only 2 weeks money left I will be homeless
if I do not get money, and with winter coming up and having serious
life-threatening UNDIAGNOSED stress-triggered medical conditions (I have
Chronic Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome from 16 years domestic abuse) will likely
be dead about a month after that.

> We have copies of the letters sent to you from Hampshire and Isle of
Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust summarising the outcome of their
investigation into your complaints. The letters are dated 1st August
2024 and 8th October 2024.
> We understand that you are not satisfied with the responses offered and
you are asking the CQC to investigate in to your complaint.

investigate and if you agree that assault has occurred, call the police.
(not you, Charlotte)

> The Mental Health Act grants the CQC a discretionary power to investigate
complaints where they are about the use of the powers and duties in the
Act. If you are not satisfied with the response provided to you by the
service, you could request that the CQC consider reviewing your unresolved

it is much more than "unresolved", they have failed to take the time to
listen to what actually happened, failed to review the video footage, notes
and photographs I SPECIFICALLY TOLD LINDSAY EXIST, which I was expecting
her to request and set up a meeting to discuss, instead I got a 1st august
"final response" where we had agreed previously on a hurried distressing
phone call that had to be cut short, she would write a summary, that
summary neglected to mention that in the phone call I said I had been
at that point (shock, anaphylaxis, paramedic callout required) I realized
that Lindsay was engaging in Perversion of the Course of Justice (a
criminal offense) by lying in writing.
I informed them I was in shock at her "final response", it was then claimed
(in writing) by Lindsay that it wasn't "final", which is also false
(further POTCOJ)
8th oct letter failed again to indicate a responsible attitude, AGAIN a
"final response" (shock, paramedic callout, anaphylaxis, A&E visit I

> We do sometimes receive complaints about matters that we are not able to
investigate because they are not within these powers. The CQC complaints
process cannot make any recommendation about matters that can only be
decided by a court of law.

understood, but if it is demonstrably serious that criminal activity has
taken place I believe it would override such a statement and you would be
obligated to directly make a report to the police?

>  For example, we cannot rule on whether a detention is lawful, nor would
we be able to provide any clinical opinion re diagnosis.


> We make make you aware that any investigation undertaken by CQC would
require CQC requesting copies of your medical records from the time of the
complaint and copies of any relevant Trust policies. Our investigations are
evidence based from the notes available to us from yourself and the Trust.

I now have over 2,000 videos, 100+ photographs, yet am so traumatised by
the ongoing neglect that I cannot cope with the task of copying them to a
USB stick to get them to you

> Before we could progress to an investigation we need to establish exactly
what you are asking CQC to investigate, why and what outcome you are
seeking. Below is a list of the items we believe you are asking us to look
in to.
> 1) When was the note stating you are a person with Autism added to your
notes? You believe this to be day 3.

no, day *13* of the 14 day torture.

> why was this not added earlier?

there were MULTIPLE warnings, by my mother, by Jan of the VAST Team at UHS
A&E, copious notes had been taken

> 2) Why was your autism passport not completed by the nurse?

because, scuse my language, i was assaulted on MAY BANK HOLIDAY at 3:30pm,
they then all f****'d off on holiday, Dr Thagadur proscribed the toxic
substance OLANZAPINE with NO MEDICAL SUPERVISION and agency staff were
brought in.
I was forced to crawl along the corridors 100 yards on my hands and knees
after collapsing on the other side of the locked double doors. you should
be able to - and really should - request CCTV footage.
I was not given ANY introduction of any kind (skeleton agency staff) to
give you some idea I had no clothes and washed and dried the single set of
garments I had, in the washbasin then out in the sun, wearing HOSPITAL
BLANKETS as makeshift clothes, because nobody had f****g well bothered to
tell me there was a laundry.
*SOME* of the staff returned by the Tuesday, an autism passport was
discussed but NEVER ACTIONED.
one of the other patients (Patrick) was also deeply autistic and reacting
extremely badly to the forced medication, smashing furniture but never
harming an actual person (quite a feat given how badly the toxic substance
affected his coordination)
it was bad, and kept the overloaded staff too busy to pay me proper due
care and attention.

> 3) On day 5 when you had been on the floor for 6 hours, had your care
been inline with the Mental Health Act and code of practice.

absolutely not.

after 30 minutes a screen was placed around me, whilst doctors literally
walked past to deal with other patients.
I managed to film myself under a blanket, keeping a log of the ongoing
by hour 5 a nurse (the same one who failed to get my autism passport
completed) sat down nearby and seized my tablet and phone.
I managed to get my friend to smuggle in an additional device in order to
continue gathering evidence.
there were additional instances of being tortured assaulted and neglected
whilst my ankles and knees smashed into the ground.
one one occasion the trauma release was so bad I had to put my hands around
my head to stop myself smashing against a wall and the floor. I ended up
travelling TWO METRES across the floor whilst Agency Staff nurses just
stood there doing f*** all.
I photographed the physical damage.
do you think Lindsay asked to review that photographic evidence?
no of course not.

> Were you supported appropriately as a person with autism?

it was much worse than that: the manner of my deceptive incarceration
resulted in catastrophic failure, a misdiagnosis of "psychosis" due to
manipulation by DAVID CALDERWOOD of almost a dozen people including SAQIB
(see above public message)
can you imagine Antelope House staff and Hampshire Social Services
receiving a phone call from the UK Government's Minister of Science
Technology and Innovation, ordering them to get someone Sectioned "because
report of delusion and revenge" by someone with a REAL MOTIVE for massive
financial gain?
how intimidated would you be by that order, coming from someone high up in
the UK Government?
my intellectual property is worth BILLIONS but if I am Sectioned, how can I
make a legal defense of it?
you see how that works?
not an exaggeration that my work is worth BILLIONS.
see "UK Chipstart Programme" - look for RED Semiconductor Ltd

I cried in relief at him stopping the forced ingestion of the toxic
inflammatory-inducing substance that was killing me.

> We understand that this above list may not be correct or complete please
reply to this email with any corrections or additions.

I simply can't do that without some serious, serious help.
after being tortured I have effectively been abandoned by the NHS, Social
Services, the police continue not to listen, I continue to be assaulted by
UHS A&E staff.
on the Friday release day 14 I didn't recognise Woolston High Street, a
phenomenon known by people who have been in prison and in warzones.
imagine someone being abandoned with no aftercare when they've been
that's what's happened to me, but it gets worse: the aftereffects of
CALDERWOOD's message and that of other abusive individuals has been the
with brain damage from two strokes, and Cerebral Small Vessel Disease I am
expected to cope with zero income, completely inadequate financial help,
from a system that I am not equipped to explain or express the level of
torture and abuse I've been subjected to??

>  We also need to you tell us what outcome you are looking for from this

an apology and admittance of neglection of duty and responsibility, such
that I can pass it both to police and also to Lawyers to get medical
compensation .
police closed my report of assault of 31st March 2023 as NFA (resulting in
shock, anaphylaxis, paramedic callout) "because mental health go contact
Antelope House Management make a complaint".  yet again NO DUE DILIGENCE BY
POLICE, yet another complaint required against the police, but I cannot
cope with doing so because I have FIVE ADDITIONAL ASSAULT INVESTIGATIONS
ongoing abuse after abuse after abuse after abuse.
it has to STOP

> Please use the above reference number on any correspondence in relation
to this case.
> Mental Health Act Complaints Team will await your response
> Yours sincerely
>  Miss redacted
> Mental Health Act Senior Complaints Officer
> T: 03000 616161
> For information about CQC, including contact details, information about
how we use and protect personal data, and how to request information from
us, go to https://www.cqc.org.uk/contact-us
> -------------- The contents of this email and any attachments are
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If this email is received in error, please notify us immediately by
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and it is your responsibility to scan or otherwise check this email and any
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