[Libre-soc-dev] soclayout/experiments10 doDesign.py

Jean-Paul Chaput Jean-Paul.Chaput at lip6.fr
Wed Nov 4 09:05:28 GMT 2020

Hello Cole,

I don't know how you get there, but one thing is sure, you
shouldn't use "doChip.py" anymore with that example.
Only "doDesign.py" must be called.

The message in itself is a somewhat contrived way to say
that some pins of the models are unaffected (dangling).

Are you sure it's experiment10 ? And not experiment9 ?
(there shouldn't be any ls180.vst in 10)

Best regards,

On Tue, 2020-11-03 at 22:52 -0800, Cole Poirier wrote:
> Running into the same error as a see on issue #30 but I can't figure
> out how you solved it.
> ```
> [ERROR] CParsVst() VHDL Parser - File:<./ls180.vst> Line:100531
>         Port map assignment discrepency instance:0 vs. model:1
>         Python stack trace:
>         #0 in                  <module>() at
> /home/colepoirier/alliance-check-toolkit/bin/doChip.py:321
> ```
> Cole
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      .-.     J e a n - P a u l   C h a p u t  /  Administrateur Systeme
      /v\     Jean-Paul.Chaput at lip6.fr
    /(___)\   work: (33)              
     ^^ ^^    cell:   home:

    U P M C   Universite Pierre & Marie Curie
    L I P 6   Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris VI
    S o C     System On Chip

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