[Libre-soc-dev] Libre-soc-dev Digest, Vol 48, Issue 2

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Mon May 27 04:08:41 BST 2024

On Monday, May 27, 2024, Sable via Libre-soc-dev <
libre-soc-dev at lists.libre-soc.org> wrote:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 05:40:38 +0100
>> From: Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl at lkcl.net>
>> To: Jacob Lifshay <programmerjake at gmail.com>
>> Cc: Libre-Soc General Development <libre-soc-dev at lists.libre-soc.org>
>> Subject: Re: [Libre-soc-dev] VISC trademark
>> Message-ID:
>>         <CAPweEDzQ-hupUEN4ORJKzsBqWw4FQovvD=
X6HENC0cEDvWWLdA at mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
>> On Monday, May 13, 2024, Jacob Lifshay <programmerjake at gmail.com> wrote:
>> so please *stop* communicating with RED's agents and Directors,
>> if you can set up an "auto-archive" that saves everything
>> for presentation as evidence to the police, that would protect
>> you, and me, and reduce the risk of death for me.
>> l.
> Those abusive narcissists sound like they would do very good at being
ACTUAL devil's advocates. That sounds horrifying.

CALDERWOOD was proud of telling me how intelligent he is,
and how he "digs holes" for people. he is highly skilled
and practiced at being manipulative. i have not yet managed
to find a clinical definition which matches his behavioural
traits, or his off-the-scale (literally) IQ.

> I will second this, Luke,
he should do what you say.
> I cut this message short because I know you don't like endless space
being kept on your mailing list.

on this topic where my very life is at stake (not
an understatement) i obviously do not mind.

> But yeah, you are correct, we like to be asked questions and not just
have everyone speaking to us or for us, assume they know everything we want.

that is what my brother did - and spoke with CALDERWOOD in
direct breach of my instructions that he not do so, providing
information that CALDERWOOD subsequently manipulated.

> I agree 1000% this is ugly and I have dealt with people being
narcissistic on me in this similar way, past big time, probably will happen
more in the present and in the future.
> I am sorry you went through all of that.

it's much worse than i've revealed so far.

it's degenerating into torture and violation of basic human

i'm now currently held against my will, by deception, in a
secure facility in southampton. there has been no diagnosis
of amy condition, of any kind. during the night i am woken up
every 30 minutes, and every night at 22:00 i am offered
"prescribed" drugs with zero consultation as to what they
are, nor informed of their contents.

>  I also didn't know you had so much abuse hitting you recently or that
september 11th was so foul for you.

16 years was in no way recent, and CALDERWOOD was at that point
my friend, and helped advise and support me. something however
flipped in his head around november, after he had one too many
things to deal with, combined with the stress of his wife having
chemotherapy treatment.

RED's bank balance dropped to only around GBP 2,000 towards
the end of... december? it was necessary to deceive NGI Search,
and coerce me into making NLnet RFPs,in order to ensure that
RED did not go insolvent.

i was the *only* source of funds, and the meeting of january 15th
was the last straw when LEWIS was verbally abusive, not listening
and being aggressive, instead of hearing what i was attempting
desperately to get over to them, that i could not continue to
fund RED from Libre-SOC research funds, and needed RED's two
employees to do more to fulfil RFPs. one employee was helping
(Shriya) the other (MIROSHNIKOV) was a total nightmare with
serious psychological issues including OCD and various addictions.
(he was the one that tampered with the financial records in
october, forcing an emergency Financial Audit).

> Some people out there can be so arrogant that its scary. I could say
more, on this subject of arrogance, but I hope you can find peace.

when they stop stalking me, and leave me to recover from the
brain damage resulting from their destruction of my life...

i mean.. yes, sure, i can "find peace", this is always possible,
just insanely difficult when you are held by deception against
your will in a secure facility with one of the
locally-known-worst reputations in the entire United Kingdom.

i'm presently documenting all of the torture i am being
subjected to.

if everyone can raise awareness and start a campaign to get some
funds together to pay lawyer fees that would be most helpful.

right now it is absolutely critical i get proper legal counsel
in order to literally save my life, that is not a joke or
a euphemism. i am being subjected to torture: my friends here
in southampton and across the world are coordinating to
keep me alive and healthy, but against a system that is close
to collapse and runs on bureaucracy rather than values of
basic human decency or human rights.


geometry: without it life is pointless
the fibonacci series: easy as 1 1 2 3

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