[Libre-soc-dev] VISC trademark

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Sun May 19 20:04:10 BST 2024

On Sunday, May 19, 2024, Yann via Libre-soc-dev <
libre-soc-dev at lists.libre-soc.org> wrote:

> apologies and excuses are marks of humanity, which
> are considered superfluous in many situations such as
> capitalism, authoritarianism... Why apologise when you
> have power (or act as if you had it) ?

i'm slowly coming to the conclusion that there must be
something well-known (a psychological / psychiatric condition)
wrong, separately and distinctly, with each of CALDERWOOD
and LEWIS.

LEWIS definitely displayed symptoms that, in informal
terms, you could use the phrase "control freak", but it
is much more severe and deeper than that. CALDERWOOD
when he *wants* to can be extraordinarily empathetic and
ethical, but the thing about being "ethical" - in order to
earn that "badge" if you will - is that you have to do it
*all* the time, not just on some people but not others.
somewhere in CALDERWOOD's mind a switch was flipped and
he went from protecting me (for something like three years,
for which i will always be grateful, although retrospectively
i cannot shake the nagging feeling that the value of my work
had some not insignificant part to play there) to being
psychotically abusive *and clearly doesn't care or recognise it*.
remember: i have it in writing from him that he despises me for
attempting to tell him i am at risk of death if verbally assaulted.

i have no idea what personality disorders might each fit these
two individuals, that they can place someone at risk of death
repeatedly *and not believe it*, or listen when systematically
told, not once but multiple times.


geometry: without it life is pointless
the fibonacci series: easy as 1 1 2 3

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