[Libre-soc-dev] Introduction: Hello Everyone

Thomas Stephens tmsteph1290 at gmail.com
Sat May 18 21:23:02 BST 2024

Hey all,

I noticed, while following directions, that the Debian 10 installation
medium was hard to come by.

Upon further investigation, Debian 10 Buster is ending Long-term Service
and Support on the 30th of this June, 2024, *next month*.

Debian 12, the current debian distribution, maintains Long-Term Support
until June 2028.

I agree it's best to stay stable, but we must also stay current.

I'd love to be a part of testing and documentation for moving to debian 12

Open to hearing options and opinions.



> On Saturday, May 18, 2024, Thomas Stephens via Libre-soc-dev <
libre-soc-dev at lists.libre-soc.org> wrote:
> > Thanks!
> >
> > I have some initial questions.
> >
> > I see that running Debian, in particular 10, is recommended for some
> > work-flows.
> all workflows, not some. package dependencies are extremely
> complex (150+) and can take *weeks if not months* to find
> alternative stable installs (!) each time they are investigated.
> we do not have such time to waste frivolously, nor need it.
> hence - very simple logic dictates *do not* quotes upgrade
> quotes. we have been through this muuuultiple tiiimes, and
> the project management assessment and budgetary costs each
> and every time come up "leave it well alone" :)
> > Is that still current?
> yes and will remain so. see chroot devscripts.
> tip: you *can* use bind-mounts between chroots and main
> OS, but watch out if you decide to "rm -fr" a chroot!
> >  I'm running Linux Mint currently.
> >
> > What OS version do most people use around here?
> i run debian/testing for most systems, been doing that
> since... 1995?
> *experienced* people can and do ignore the devscripts and
> run on top of "latest-and-greatest" - please from long and
> bitter painful experience watching people waste literally
> weeks failing to install the dev env because they did not
> listen, the advice i can give you is: for goodness sake
> to get started juuust ruuun theee deeeev scriiiipts :)
> simple commands, go go go:
> https://libre-soc.org/HDL_workflow/devscripts/
> if those don't work contact us immediately. otherwise...
> ...once you've spent many months if not years working full-time
> with the project, or if you've worked with linux for a
> decade+ you'll generally be experienced enough to have a
> go at bypassing the devscripts, and have enough knowledge
> to not need to ask "n00b questions" (which, obviously,
> drain time and energy to support... which we don't have
> funding to cover), but also will have by that point demonstrated
> a usefulness and value which means you're actively helping move
> the project forward (and getting paid to do so), and we'll
> want to ensure that continues so will actively help you out.
> keep in touch, remember all activity is covered by the Charter,
> check the "how to help as a developer" checklist on the front
> page ok?
> atb,
> l.
> --
> ---
> geometry: without it life is pointless
> the fibonacci series: easy as 1 1 2 3

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