[Libre-soc-dev] VISC trademark

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Sat May 18 17:37:00 BST 2024

i just also realised: VISC, by way of having "Vector" in it
*at all*, could result in confusion between Simple-V
and VISC. the conversation would go, "VISC. huh. RED was
involved with Libre-SOC. they did a Vector system didn't they?
did they sell it to RED? isn't it the same? why are these
Libre-SOC people trying to steal RED's Vector Trademark?"

you see how that works?

if RED was not doing Vectors *at all* there would be zero
possibility for confusion in the minds of customers and
end-users. if they were doing scalar DSPs or implementing
RVV (the existing RV Vector standard) there would be no
problem whatsoever.

if they are attempting an "innovative Vector Standard" rather
than implementing someone else's pre-existing one then
CALDERWOOD has yet again pulled the wool over your eyes by
conflating the underlying *implementation* (as a clean-room
concept) with "Vector Branding".

plus... hang on... if they're attempting "something new"
then why the - scuse my language - why the fucking hell did
they seize control of NGI Search, forcibly insert FOSDEM
talks at the last minute with zero discussion or public
consultation, attempt seizure of NLnet Grant applications
with such violent aggressive language that the EC has TERMINATED
Libre-SOC funding applications and made it clear no further
ones will be heard, not make any efforts *at all* to apologise
for the destruction and devastation they've caused, not
reached out to Mediation after *five* separate offers, not
apologise *in any way* for almost killing me multiple times,
and why did they seize control of my company by criminal
means by verbally assaulting me so severely it has triggered
*life-altering* degenerative formerly latent neuro-physiological
medical conditions?

anyone who is in *any way* empathetic would in no way have
been so destructively abusive, but worse than that: *knowingly*
verbally aggressive *after* having been informed that i have
autism and was at risk of death if threatened or harrassed.

why in god's name would someone do that? and the answer is
real simple:



geometry: without it life is pointless
the fibonacci series: easy as 1 1 2 3

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