[Libre-soc-dev] I am now out

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Mon Jun 10 11:48:34 BST 2024

Apologies I was out on Friday afternoon but was in such distress and shock
I was unable to write.

I was released after 10 daily external phone calls failed to get through
the bureaucracy, chronic underfunding and out-and-out lying, to the
overworked Consultant, that I have autism. Finally after the SECOND weekly
consultation and a one-to-one conversation the Consultant finally learned I
have autism, which the NHS considers to be an incurable disease that has
NOTHING TO DO WITH PSYCHIATRY, and I was out within a few hours before the
Tribunal was due to start.

In the meantime I had been forced against my will every day to ingest (or
have injected if I refused) a 5mg dose of olanzapine - double that which my
stepfather had been advised I was being given.

Every night within 20 minutes I began to feel dizzy, frequently falling
against walls, and within 25 minutes breathing difficulties would start
LASTING ONE HOUR coughing and spitting up sufficient saliva and white flegm
to cover an entire square foot.

It was sufficiently violent that it caused other patients to become
extremely distressed, as the night staff FAILED TO CALL DOCTORS because
they had been advised I was "psychotic" (colloquially: "making shit/reality
up in your head") and was 100% likely to be "faking" medical symptoms in
order to "get love and attention"

(How the fucking fuck you consistently and repeatedly bother to put
yourself into "fake" chronic throat constriction sufficient to place your
life in danger by asphyxiation for an entire year, long before even going
near A&E 34 times, I will never fucking know)

Of 54 meals served I only had 4 hot meals despite notifying them on day 2
that I have medical dietary requirements. I did not eat for 2 days because
it was bank holiday weekend, there were only Agency Staff on duty. The
meatloaf I had and the Chili con Carne was the best I have ever had.
Breakfast was filching 5 catering servings of marmite, I only discovered
they had salad out the back after a few days, and survived on sardines
mackerel Atlantic cod liver all of which are anti-inflammatory Omega 3,
alongside supplements where it was HIT AND MISS as to whether they would be

On day 2 for example I was again assaulted by seven people, and my Cayenne
Pepper and Celtic Sea Salt bags were seized (these help arrest breathing
difficulties immediately, consequently what could have been stopped within
30 seconds I was forced to endure for an hour each night).

A KETOGENIC DIET, BY THE NHS, was also seized and prohibited.

Amazon Prime electrolyte drops used in e.g. Gatorade / Lucozade (minus
aspartame which causes cancer) to maintain osmotic balance were also seized
and prohibited.

The litany of abuse and torture goes on and on.

I am now mostly out of shock. Like a prisoner released with no support I
did not recognize streets I have been routinely going down for months, on
the bus. The "bubble" effect is receding, however it is not yet safe for me
to sleep on my own.  I have a monster cold, which I have somehow been
keeping at bay for the past 2 weeks, and will be stuffing my face with kiwi
fruit Vit D and K2.

Regarding my brother Dan, he is dangerously naive and ignorant (and is
known well amongst family members "not to listen"). This should be plainly
obvious from his statements that Olanzapine is "safe", when my life was
repeatedly and consistently put in immediate danger and he did not once
make an attempt to talk to me - the entire time I was being tortured - in
order to find that out.

You should consider Dan's state of mind to be suspect (he has been taking
anti-depressants since around 2008, and the initial ones were so strong he
cannot remember 4 years of his life). Under no circumstances are you to
provide him information, engage with him in any way for any reason, and I
am requesting that you record and note but disregard all and any notices
communiques letters or contents of phone calls. Michael I have told you
repeatedly to cease consulting him, for at least the past 2 years, but for
some reason which may be perfectly innocent, you do not either see or
listen. Please allow me to state it clearly and plainly: PLEASE CEASE AND

We also know that he has been in contact with CALDERWOOD, so his state of
mind which is vulnerable as it is, may have been exploited:


I leave it at that.


geometry: without it life is pointless
the fibonacci series: easy as 1 1 2 3

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