[Libre-soc-dev] Introduction: Hello Everyone

Thomas Stephens tmsteph1290 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 2 17:26:20 BST 2024

Hello everyone,

Still getting set up:

I had some confusion about the SSH Key, and sent it privately to Luke,

Luke, you do have my permission to post the private Email, but I will
summarize here:

All development, including the passing of SSH Public keys should
happen in public on the mailing list.

SSH Keys should be sent as attachments, not in the body of the email.

My Public SSH Key is attached to this Email.

Other than that, Luke recommended I tried the command below:

ssh -p922 -v gitolite3 at git.libre-soc.org

It had a whole bunch of output with mixed success.

These are the last 4 lines:

debug1: channel 0: free: client-session, nchannels 1
Connection to git.libre-soc.org closed.
Transferred: sent 4872, received 6616 bytes, in 1.6 seconds
Bytes per second: sent 2963.9, received 4024.9
debug1: Exit status 0

Can anyone tell if I'm headed in the right direction?



> > > > On Sunday, May 19, 2024, Thomas Stephens <tmsteph1290 at gmail.com>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > Yes, I very much agree with the charter and all linked documents.
> > > >
> > > On Sun, 2024-05-19 at 20:45 +0100, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton via
> > > Libre-soc-dev wrote:
> > > > the dilbert cartoons i am particularly proud of :)
> > > > https://libre-soc.org/charter/discussion/
> > > >
> > > > feel free to send me an ssh public key, responsibility
> > > > is yours to tell me if the private one is ever compromised ok?
> > > >
> > > > l.
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> > Libre-soc-dev mailing list
> > Libre-soc-dev at lists.libre-soc.org
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