[Libre-soc-dev] update on abuse harrassment and stalking

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Sun May 12 12:34:12 BST 2024

i'm now ready to come forward with a small fraction of the
documented video evidence behind the Grievous Bodily Harm
three of the OVER FOUR HUNDRED videos are below:

* https://youtu.be/8ttQPemAyjM
* https://youtube.com/shorts/OseMslj432Y
* https://youtu.be/7JQbaHzzD_E

the above are VERY distressing. please do not watch them if
you are in any way at risk or in a stressful state, yourself.
they demonstrate clear signs of different types of cerebral
palsy as well as brain damage.

the following video is me putting the hammer down. i am getting
sick of being treated so abusively. if i was a woman and had
been raped, the equivalent would be police telling me "you were
the one that walked through the park, therefore it's your fault
you got raped, therefore we're not going to allow you to report
this as a crime. sorry".


it is blindingly obvious that serious trauma has occurred.
it has taken me six MONTHS to find strong medical remedies
i can buy: cayenne pepper which i take HALF A TEASPOON without
water, allowing some of it to enter my respiratory pathways
and it unblocks the throat constriction within about 30 seconds.
celtic sea salt also helps (natural anti-bacterial/viral).

i have had to find these remedies myself because the NHS
is in no way reacting fast enough, resulting in serious
neurological degeneration and brain damage under combined
stress and barometric pressure changes on inflamed neural
tissue (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Grrbekq-6kw)

prior to this discovery i have had literally hundreds of
incidents involving risk of death through blocked airway,
fighting for my life whilst medical staff at Southampton A&E frequently
ignore the severity, thinking i am "faking it".
(SH A&E sadly is known for some staff being non-empathetic,
it has to be said that many have been unbelievably supportive).

only now, with a means of arresting the breathing difficulties,
can i risk coming forward with evidence of GBH, as whilst
it is traumatic to discuss, at least i am cautiously
optimistic about no longer (based on 2/2 empirical tests)
being 100% at risk of death if faced with fight-or-flight
cortisol-triggering events putting me directly into shock
due to adrenal fatigue.

  This causes the overactivation of the NeuroEndoMetabolic
 (NEM) stress response.

geometry: without it life is pointless
the fibonacci series: easy as 1 1 2 3

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