[Libre-soc-dev] I do not condone Luke's claims about RED Semi

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Sun Jun 23 16:30:56 BST 2024

also jacob, remember: the *entire time you have known me* - 6
years - i had been subjected to domestic verbal abuse, which
got so bad 15 months ago that i am lucky to be alive.
it will be be months to years before i fully recover, if at all.

you didn't know, and neither did i. i only learned about
narcissm three months ago, and chronic adrenal fatigue and
the massive organ damage and debilitating neuro-degenerative
conditions it causes, only two months ago.


there is also the possibility, based on a description of
symptoms to a top harley street doctor, that i had a
bleed on the brain around 15 months ago, as well as
transient micro-vasculitis (a data point is if you have
significant difference in left and right arm blood pressure,
which under extreme duress, i do). you can tell easily
that something is desperately wrong by just listening
to the difference in these two videos

* https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xxW3Y21c17A 10+ years ago
* https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fxClvuc2-f8 3 months ago

(in reality my voice is now even worse than in the second video,
which was february of this year, indicating that there has been
further neurological degeneration)

this is *in addition* to autism which is neuronal inflammation
and neuronal toxicity caused by oxidative stress.


so whatever you think of me, you need to bear in mind that
i have been through absolute hell - including being tortured
(not a euphemism) for two weeks due to catastrophic
communication failures by people who just did not listen.

does that help give some context? you've never seen me operate
effectively or efficiently: you've only ever seen me run a
project under extreme chronic abuse, none of which i told you
about because i *didn't myself know it was abuse*.



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