[Libre-soc-dev] URGENT PRIORITY REQUEST - Last Will and Testament by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton

lkcl luke.leighton at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 18:34:43 BST 2024

On Sunday, June 2, 2024, Dmitry Selyutin <ghostmansd at gmail.com> wrote:

> Luke. If you have something horrible in your mind,

Not in *my* mind. There exists the *possibility* for CALDERWOOD to have a
motive for ensuring that I am Sectioned: to seize control of my IP or to
utilise it without legal defense, on account of me being dead.

(Without a Will, my IP would be transferred as an "asset" to family
members, who could then be approached to *SELL IT*.)

Thus the strategy of making a Will, in which it is very clearly stated that
my IP transfers to the FSF (whom I trust to defend its abuse) and to
request a PRIVATE pathology report such that no negligence or sloppiness on
the part of a *public service* Coroner may result in the cause of death or
evidence of symptoms displayed for six months and greater being

You see how that works?


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