[Libre-soc-dev] URGENT PRIORITY REQUEST - Last Will and Testament by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton

lkcl luke.leighton at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 13:02:04 BST 2024


I've just been denied access to MCT OIL C8, an Amazon Prime selling item.
It has been in my room 4+ days but was seized only last night.

It was also taken off-ward by an SMO - junior doctor - Dr Aryan(?) for
"examination" alongside the Electrolyte drops. I was not informed or
advised that either item would be removed from the ward prior or after
their seizure.

Bulletproof coffee as it is known I have found to be highly effective at
keeping me alert. As a Software Engineer with autism and other recognized
but very rare acute medical conditions its removal amounts yet again to
depriving me of wellness and health as well as adversely affecting my
mental health by making me feel like a dangerous untrustworthy criminal or
a caged animal with no conscious will of its own.

I feel so shockingly badly maltreated abused and disrespected, so
consistently and repeatedly for so many days, now, that I am beginning to
actually expect it.

Note "shock". For someone suffering 16 years domestic verbal abuse with
chronic adrenal fatigue combined with chronic recurrent glandular fever.
This places me routinely and systematically at risk of death, every single


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