[Libre-soc-dev] Notice of termination of MoU's 2022-08-107 and 2022-08-051

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Sat Dec 7 12:51:23 GMT 2024

michiel STOP.

you are yet again making STATEMENTs not ASKING QUESTIONs!

you've BEEN WARNED MULTIPLE TIMES that you've violated
the Dutch Disability and Discrimination Laws regarding
Chronic Disabilities and illnesses!

i tell you EXPLICITLY i have HAD A STROKE and within

don't you dare ever order me to DESTROY EVIDENCE.

fucking hell


THANK YOU for pointing me at your CoC(k).

i appreciate you negating my hypothesis.
i haven't any copies to hand.

and i hadn't noticed it was there, and as you are
fully awarw i have been following the much stricter
Code of Honour that is part of the Libre-SOC Charter.

this still leaves the blatant hypocrisy of your illegal
and demeaning behaviour violating the very same CoC(k)
you demand i adhere to.

i told you REPEATEDLY i have been put at risk of death.

i told you REPEATEDLY i had been in a Domestic Violence
relationship that caused brain damage and organ damage.

why do you not listen?

why are you trusted with so much money when you are this
dangerously abusive?

On Saturday, December 7, 2024, Michiel Leenaars <michiel at nlnet.nl> wrote:
> Dear Luke,
>> where is this CoC on your website?
> You will find the applicability of the IEEE CoC stated unambiguously on
> page one of any Memorandum of Understanding you signed. I presume you
> still have a copy in your archive. If not, I'm happy to provide one.
> I'm sad to learn that you have financial issues.
> Yet it has been your own decision all along to publish online records of
> you verbally trashing your ex-partner, former colleagues and business
> associated, and family members in the context of the project that you
> founded. And every day you keep these awful rants and other
> transgressions online under the libre-soc.org banner, is another day
> lost to the rest of your life - and another day of fallout for those
> impacted by them.
> Once you involved other people within the context of a grant, you took
> on a professional role and significant responsibility. People trusted
> you and believed in you for their economic sustainability and to create
> a safe environment to work in. By tainting the public infrastructure of
> the project with your personal vendetta, you have clearly not been
> living up to the responsibilities and professional standards that come
> with such a position.
> Your past actions also damaged the reputation of the project, which
> moved from a promising technical effort to a toxic personal battleground
> full of defamation. Your unwillingness to remove such verbal excesses
> from project documentation forced us to terminate the relationship - and
> in parallel has meant the entire project has come to a standstill, with
> all other people halting work.
> It should be obvious that undoing past wrongdoings (e.g. removing
> harmful and grieving content) is the right thing to do at this moment,
> and necessary to get yourself out of your current predicament. This
> should not take more than a few days, if that.
> It will take more than just erasing public records of your misbehaviour,
> but it is a good start. There are burned and seriously charred bridges
> to take into account. Your behaviour to the organisations and people
> that want to help you - including police and medical staff - has been
> and continues to be rude and aggressive. You continue to violate
> people's privacy too. By posting messages addressed to a person on a
> public mailing list, without them being able to respond to that same
> list (such as you do to me repeatedly), you turn that list into a piece
> of one person theatre in which those people are treated like literary
> props not actual humans. Stop putting on a show, and try to get things
> solved instead.
> You have many talents, and it is a shame to waste them as you've done in
> the last year: there is still so much work that needs to be done. The
> path of vengeance and wrath you are on is barren, and leads nowhere -
> and others are damaged on the way by your reckless behaviour. Surely you
> will recognise this by now, and/or in the near future. The path forward
> is one of humility and modesty, and of regaining trust.
> I hope your health restores soon, unfortunately that part is outside of
> my reach. Once you are feeling up to get to work again, I suggest to
> find an existing project or someone that is willing to put you under
> their wings (if need be a relative), and under their guidance and
> pick up tasks suitable to your current condition. That will allow you to
> restore your reputation, and get a steady income again. But first clean
> your (and Libre-SoC's) slate and clean up your act, without that we (or
> other funders) cannot and will not have anything to do with you.
> I hope this helps.
> Kind regards,
> Michiel Leenaars
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