[Libre-soc-dev] 58498 Care Quality Commission MHA-03402-V5V8D1 Desired outcomes CRM:003564158488

lkcl luke.leighton at gmail.com
Mon Dec 2 17:12:47 GMT 2024

CQC Ref CAS-586416-S2G1S6

additional points, recalled only now due to fragmented memory recall caused
by Domestic Violence, torture, Chronic Adrenal Fatigue and autism.

I was aware from months of research that I was having the symptoms of
Encephalitis. once assaulted and the torture began I attempted to
communicate with doctors.

Dr Arya, a JUNIOR doctor, was the only one that made an effort to respond.
however even he was displaying an attitude of... it is hard to describe:
his face showed a mixture of...  disdain, disbelief, pity, and looked...
"troubled", as if he knew something was desperately wrong but was in no
position to do anything.

I recall approx day 6-8 I managed to get a note to him (I will have taken a
photograph of it, and it will have a timestamp) regarding signs of
Encephalitis and also mentioning my autistic medical condition.

he responded kindly a few days later by printing out the NHS website
article for Encephalitis, unaware that I had already read it, and already
attempted months prior to follow its instructions ("call 999 immediately").

my efforts to communicate further on the matter went unanswered.

he was the ONLY doctor who attempted to engage with me, and even then it
was "an effort to inform me of something I already knew" - TELLING me
things rather than LISTEN TO ME.

the question I require an answer to is:


secondly: I did a Google search yesterday "autism brain swelling". the very
first hit is a pubmed peer-reviewed paper that cites studies dating back to
2001, which describe how shock to an autistic individual can result in
BRAIN SWELLING sufficiently serious as to DAMAGE Microglia cells, and even
turn them pathological. Microglia are the brain's REPAIR CELLS.


 1. why when there are TWENTY THREE YEAR OLD
    AUTISM STUDIES are NHS doctors so blatantly
    and dangerously ignorant of the underlying
    MEDICAL basis of the autistic condition?

2. why when autism is BRAIN SWELLING, was
     I forced FROM DAY ONE to ingest an

3. why was I not given medical scans or properly
     interviewed BEFORE being forced to ingest
     a lethal toxic substance publicly well-known
     to cause organ damage and brain damage?

your acknowledgement and answers are required.


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