[Libre-soc-dev] First Silicon and PR

Staf Verhaegen (FibraServi) staf at fibraservi.eu
Mon Jan 17 11:00:29 GMT 2022

Op 17/01/2022 om 11:27 schreef Jean-Paul Chaput:
> Hello All,
> Note that due to DRC rules and lack of time, the logos are very
> pixelated. That's ok as a marker on a corner of the dye, but maybe
> for the package cover, we may use some higher resolution version?
Yes, Jean-Paul do you have the source image for libresoc_logo.gds (and 
maybe others) somewhere ?
 From feedback I got is that the 4 logos on the outside is too complex 
for lasering; so will go with libreSOC only.


Chips want to be free.

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