[Libre-soc-dev] I do not condone Luke's claims about RED Semi

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Fri Jun 14 05:59:56 BST 2024

jacob, apologies there is a miscommunication due to phreaseogoly
i need to clear up.

somewhere i state "you could go to jail". this is NOT through
action on my part. it is NOT in any way a threat to for about
or targetted at you. it is because the police, on learning of
your conversations with CALDERWOOD, could - and i stress again
*could* - conveivably *themselves* and *completely independently
of me or anyone else*, conclude that you are what is termed
"an accessory to a crime".

i am simply *advising you of this possibility* which is a risk
to yourself that is entirely your free choice to ignore or heed
my constructive advice. absolutely no action on my part
is involved there.

sorry for the confusion that would also mean and imply (absurdly)
that i am a police officer that was going to arrest you (!)


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