[Libre-soc-dev] URGENT PRIORITY REQUEST - Last Will and Testament by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton

lkcl luke.leighton at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 19:02:46 BST 2024

On Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 8:51 PM Alain D D Williams <addw at phcomp.co.uk> wrote:

> Although, to you, it might not seem like it - the medics are trying to do the
> right thing. They might not understand you completely

they *literally* know nothing - that is not an exaggeration. they read
that i am unable to work *on my NHS file* which was an out-of-date
*CONFIDENTIAL* statement i made to my NHS doctor after
CALDERWOOD and LEWIS shockingly put on RED's website claims
of the Simple-V Trademark, under an alias (we resolved this last month).

they also claimed "i am homeless" - i have only just been able to
explain to Dr Thagadur that there is *nothing on the UK GOV website*
recognising "No Fixed Abode" as a concept. take a look: it says
"are you a homeowner, are you renting, are you living with your
 mum, are you HOMELESS".

btw, there is "special classification" for people who are homeless:
they are "vulnerable people" whose rights get taken away...

... see how that works?

if i am classified in their minds as "homeless and unable to work",
i MUST need their continued interference.

i therefore made a very very specific point of informing them that i've
earned EUR 20,000 in the past few weeks, and that the gov.uk benefits
system i cannot even begin to answer it truthfully.

i would need to LIE about where i live in order to get benefits!!!

> but they are there to help.

they can help by leaving me the f*** alone.  i've had enough abuse
and interference in my life - who the fuck do these people think they
are, seeing me as incompetent and incapable of decisions, when i
manage deeply complex software projects far beyond most peoples'
comprehension, successfully and systematically DESPITE memory
and learning difficulties, what the actual fucking fuck?

> Another way of looking at it: the more that you play along

not happening. can you imagine me - a literal-minded autistic
individual - attempting to "play games"?

does that *in any way* sound like something "in character" for me?

you are about... i think... the fourth or fifth person to suggest
i "play along" - the answer is and shall remain NO. simply because
i lose all integrity:

   "well he's clearly lying about that, therefore he must have been
     lying about everything else. LOCK HIM UP! GET HIM UNDER
     DANGEROUS DANGEROUS DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!! to himself!
     and others!  and to objects around him!"

... yeah?

see how that works?

> I am not going to pretend that I know what is best, but these guys prolly have a
> better idea than I do.

say that again after reading the MDT notes taken and published live:

> I want what will get you back to a good state, that is
> what all of us want.

placing myself at some considerable risk by stating this, i will say
it very plainly:
that involves CALDERWOOD and LEWIS going to prison AND/OR
 publicly apologising for devastating my life, team, funding,
reputation with the EC, placing me at risk of death then stating
"I despise you for trying that", and much more.

let me just check by re-reading to see if i believe any of the above
is untrue (defense against Libel)... yep, all truthful (and evidenced).


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