[Libre-soc-dev] demands made by NLnet

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Sat Jul 27 00:58:13 BST 2024

On Friday, July 26, 2024, Cesar Strauss via Libre-soc-dev <
libre-soc-dev at lists.libre-soc.org> wrote:
> Dear Tobias,
> On 07/26/2024 01:21, Tobias Platen via Libre-soc-dev wrote:
>> So I am going to contact them on the weekend when I have time.
> I'd like to help you talking to them. Please remember to add my address
in copy when you contact them, it's cestrauss at gmail.com.

i've always operated publicly, and have regularly - since 2019 -
put michiel's "requests for clarification on RFPs" public
when he sends them privately by mistake.

after over *200* requests that they ask clarifying questions,
all of which were ignored, with statement after terrifying
statement being made that was devastatingly wrong, false, or
misleading, i finally got through to them.

except... the *only time* they actually started asking clarifying
questions, they not only did not like the answers but then
demanded that both the questions and the answers be censored.

as an autistic adult who has been systematically abused
and exploited i simply cannot cope with people who will
not listen, and make false statements. it's how my narcissistic
ex-partner nearly caused my death about fifteen times.

at some point i may share the video from april 2023, of me
being verbally abused for three hours by her, collapsing at
the end of the ordeal, when my daughter was in the next room,
listening the entire time. however it is so distressing that
i do not really wish to subject people here to it.

NLnet accused me of making "accusations", stating that they
"have no place in a project's report". they did not ask to
see the video evidence, nor express any kind of recognition
or appreciation of how damaging and life-altering these
thousands of harrowing experiences have been, affecting
my ability to respond to their aggressive approach.
(my initial offer to help them improve communication,
especially for people running projects where domestic abuse
has taken place, and for people with autism, was IGNORED).

it's what... nine months since i fled for my life? my physical
health recovery is underway - hampered by ongoing abuse, stalking
and literal torture for two weeks - but i am making progress.


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