[Libre-soc-dev] demands made by NLnet

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Sun Jul 28 12:21:36 BST 2024


i have continued to reply to the message that michiel
demanded be taken offline (i refused immediately. note
that i did not receive a QUESTION: "why did you put
my message online?" i simply received a shocking
DEMAND, the very first in the entire history of
the project).

i no longer feel safe in any way to interact privately
with NLnet: i have made it clear to them i will only
interact publicly through the public resources keeping
to the TRANSPARENCY promise made right at the start of this

now, due to the ABUSE i have been subjected to, i cannot
recall what i originally wanted to write. i have completely
forgotten even though it was 2 minutes ago since starting
to write this.

i really have to go, as sitting down to write caused some
serious inflammation causing extreme pain when i got up.
i have to sort that out by taking anti-inflammatory food
and walking around, despite the severe pain.
(yes, i now have fibromyalgia as a result of the abuse).

note that i am down to GBP 1,500 cash in my bank account.
i have no other source of funds.


geometry: without it life is pointless
the fibonacci series: easy as 1 1 2 3

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