[Libre-soc-dev] Fwd: Your project PPC and SVP64 assembly/disassembly code generation has been selected for the second round

Dmitry Selyutin ghostmansd at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 18:12:21 BST 2024

Hi folks, good news from NLnet: PPC/SVP64 code generation passed the
first round.
It obviously doesn't imply the project will be chosen, but at least
this is somewhat encouraging.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Michiel Leenaars <michiel at nlnet.nl>
Date: Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 1:56 AM
Subject: Your project PPC and SVP64 assembly/disassembly code
generation has been selected for the second round
To: Dmitry Selyutin <ghostmansd at gmail.com>
Cc: <2024-04-072 at nlnet.nl>

Dear Dmitry,

it has take us a long time to get through the largest amount of
submissions in our history. It is my pleasure to inform you that your
project "PPC and SVP64 assembly/disassembly code generation"
(2024-04-072) has been selected to enter the second round of the April
2024 call. While the first round is solely based on your proposal,
this strict selection round is potentially interactive. As your
project is looked into in more depth, the reviewers may need some
additional information to properly assess your application, in which
case they will contact you.

Note that proposals are reviewed with regards to urgency, relevance
and value for money. Unfortunately we will not be able to fund all
projects proposed, as much as we would like that. In the coming weeks
we will send you questions, and we will be subsequently thoroughly
evaluating your answers and those of the remaining proposals for the
second round which due to the very large amount of submission we had
should take about four to six weeks. During this round we may ask you
to supply additional details, such as a breakdown of the main tasks of
your project if that wasn't part of your original application. After
that we will inform you on the outcome of this second (and final)
selection round.

I hope the above is clear. Let us know if you have any questions.

Kind regards,
on behalf of NLnet foundation,

Michiel Leenaars
Strategy Director
+31 20 8884252

Best regards,
Dmitry Selyutin

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